Indy Myopain Relief Center focuses on using Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy (MTPT) combined with other modalities. Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy is a form of problem-solving massage therapy that incorporates safe movement techniques, along with pain neuroscience education. The ultimate purpose is to reduce pain in all its forms and to restore full function.
Conditions Treated (Partial Listing).

Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy
Myofascial trigger points are a frequent cause of pain and muscle issues. These areas in the muscle become painful when touched, lead to shortened and weakened muscle fibers, and can cause referred pain. Referred pain occurs when a trigger point causes sensations like tingling, numbness, pain, a dull ache, or shooting pain in a different, often distant area. This can mislead clinicians into thinking the pain originates from the location where it is felt, but 70% of the time, the actual source of the pain is elsewhere. Additionally, while clinicians might often attribute pain to inflammation, this is usually not the case.One of the most common sources of pain and muscle dysfunction is myofascial trigger points. These are spots in the muscle that hurt when pressed, make the muscle fibers shorter, weaker, and cause a phenomenon called referred pain. Referred pain means that a trigger point can make you feel different sensations, such as tingling, numbness, pain, dull aching or shooting pain, in another area that may be far away. This often confuses the clinician, enabling them to believe, the pain is coming from where it is felt, but 70% of the time, the pain source is elsewhere. Also, clinicians may think that inflammation is often the cause of pain, but this is rarely true.
Our Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy (MTPT) helps the fascia (the covering of the muscle) to move freely, stops the brain from sending signals that make the muscle contract, and releases the tight bands in the muscle. This immediately reduces the pain and makes the muscle normal again.
We also train the brain to recognize that the muscle is ready to function normally.

Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy
The PiezoWave² MYACT is a US-approved system that uses low-energy pulses and massage to treat myofascial structures up to 40 mm deep. The PiezoWave² MyACT technology does not produce shockwaves, so it is ideal for physiotherapy. Users can choose between point-focused or linear focused therapy sources.
MyAct is a new method for precise and comprehensive treatment of myofascial pain syndrome. The linear therapy focus (46 mm x 18.5 mm x 4 mm) is good for treating pathologies along the muscle fibers or large tissue areas. Linear focused pressure waves are especially helpful for treating muscle injuries and knots. Point-focused therapy sources are useful for finding and treating trigger points and the related pain.
The PiezoWave2 uses piezoelectric elements arranged on a concave surface. When activated by a high-voltage pulse, these elements expand slightly to create a pressure pulse, which is precisely focused to generate a shockwave at a specific point. This "direct focusing" technology eliminates the need for additional reflectors, resulting in a compact design and precise focal zone. The therapy is almost painless, quiet, and allows adjustable energy levels without affecting the focal zone's size. The technology is highly durable, with options for single or double-layer configurations, achieving peak pressures up to 82 MPa.
Extracorporeal shock wave therapy for musculoskeletal conditions Final evidence report: Appendices
February 13, 2017

Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM)
Frequency specific microcurrents also utilize exceedingly mild electrical current (around one millionth of an ampere, far less than a TENS unit). The thing that differentiates FSM is the use of two different channels and two different frequency strengths simultaneously addressing the condition (such as inflammation) on Channel A, and the specific tissue involved (such as the spinal cord) on channel B. Unlike a TENS unit, FMS changes the state of the tissue itself.
Scientists are not exactly sure how FSM changes tissue structures and creates healing. FSM does increase the production of ATP in injured tissues. (Adenosine triphosphate, also known as ATP, is a molecule that carries energy within cells and is the major source of energy for all cellular reactions in the body.) Because treatment with FSM can increase ATP production by as much as 500 percent in damaged tissues, this may help with the recovery process.

Postural Analysis & Range of Motion
Posture is the attitude assumed by the body either with support during muscular inactivity, or the coordinated action of many muscles working to maintain stability. It forms an essential basis that is being adapted constantly.
What is good posture for one is not necessarily good posture for another. (Refer to above picture)
Poor posture can be bad for your health. Maintaining a posture that puts stress on a joint such as prolonged slouching (see image at R) or slumping over can:
Increase pressure on the spine, making it more prone to injury and degeneration.
Cause neck, shoulder, and back pain.
Decrease flexibility.
Affect how well joints move.
Make it harder to digest food.
Induce breathing disorder and affect surrounding structures including the heart and phrenic nerve.
In women it can lead to imbalance in the core muscle leading to incontinence and/or pelvic organ prolapse.
Posture Physiopedia
Read more posture information.
Do we take 'assignment' for patients with insurance?No. We are not currently contracted with any insurance companies. We will provide you, a Superbill that should aid you in submitting your own bill to your insurance company.
Do you have discounted rates?For those that require ten or more sessions, we offer prepaid package rates that include significant discounts.
Do we take HSA, FSA, etc.?Yes.
Will you teach me, to treat myself?Absolutely, selfcare is a basic tenant of our treatment philosophy.
How quickly can I get an appointment?Same day or next. We keep long hours available to make it easy to find a time.
How many sessions will I require?Patients typically, (90%) require 3 to 6 sessions of varying length. Rarely, people are fixed in one session, and some require 20+.
Can I choose a female therapist?As of today, I am the only therapist. You can bring a friend, or I can have my nurse join us. Whatever helps you feel comfortable.
Is your therapy painful?Yes, but you are in control of the level and intensity of pain. Pain is necessary to motivate your brain to release muscle cramps/contractions.
Are your treatments temporary or permanent?Depends on your condition and perpetuating factors. We always strive for a permanent solution.
Can I walk in, for an appointment?I work by appointment only. The probability of walking for an appointment are low but I will see you under these conditions.
How fast are the results?Trigger Point therapy is the fastest and most effective pain relief and muscle dysfunction therapy available to date. You should notice at least an improvement in range-of-motion, if not pain reduction in the first session.
How do you accept payment?We accept all major credit cards, IPhone, Apple, Paypal, Zelle, personal checks, cash.
Do I need a physician's referral?No. Physician referrals do help integrate our care, rule out life threatening conditions and may improve your chances of reimbursement from your insurance.
Can I bring a friend?Yes, we welcome family members and friends to attend.
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