Our Mission
Helping people live fully active and pain free.
Indy Myopain Relief Center

Our Vision
To inform our healers and the public of simple ways to reduce or eliminate pain without using drugs or surgery.

Our Story
The Indy Myopain Relief Center was created by Steven Maschmeyer because of a personal experience. I had low back pain for over 25 years, not constantly, but occasionally. It was worse on Mondays and after golf. I went to the best orthopedic doctors, Chiropractors, Physical Therapists, Chiropractors and massage therapists but nothing helped. A massage therapist told me to book an appointment with Sharon Sauer in Chicago for trigger point therapy. To my amazement, one 90 minutes session cured me completely! Wow! I asked: "Who can I see in the Indianapolis area?". Sharon said there were no myofascial trigger point therapists in Indiana at all! Oh, I want to do this. So, I gave up on retiring, golf and started an 11-year journey to help people get rid of pain, while teaching the medical profession about new ways of solving their patient's pain problems.